Why Tripleseat is Different

Often when I talk to prospective customers they ask what makes Tripleseat different then other software that is out in the market place. This is a good question but better answered by  our current customers so I asked.


The first thing that sets Tripleseat apart was our support. Because Tripleseat is a web based application there is zero need for support of hardware or software which is great for everyone. Support is more in the style of “how to” or can you tweak my BEO and Contract to look like this or that. Our customers love the fact that if you call us or email us you will talk to a human like me, Brian,Kate, Lisa or Kevin. Our response time is in minutes not days and we will always try to find a answer for you quickly. People appreciate the way we do support.


The second aspect of Tripleseat that sets us apart is our design. Yes our design. Design counts. The Tripleseat application was not created to mimic your old Excel spreadsheet or Outlook with confusing folder hierarchy’s and a million random icons that make no sense. Tripleseat has a flow to it that makes creating bookings, BEO’s,Contracts and proposal easy,seamless and fast. Information is simple to find and makes sense when you view it therefore it makes your job of creating and planning events seamless.

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Tripleseat’s ability to enable our customers to create custom (and amazing) documents online really brings out the creativity and personality of the restaurant. Restauranteurs spend millions on the design of their establishments and they want everything to be as great as the interior and exterior design. Sending your prospects ugly, boiler plate Contracts, Proposals and BEO’s gives the wrong first impression. No one wants that. Tripleseat opens the gates to creativity for all your docs and gives the users a elegant way to deliver and communicate any doc.

This is just a brief overview of why our customers find us different. I could go on for days but why not find out for yourself? Schedule a online demo and see why Tripleseat is taking over the Event world one venue at a time
