Tips on Getting Found By Event Planners For Your Event Venue

Your listing on the Tripleseat site  is your opportunity to shine to prospective event planners.  To make the most out of your Tripleseat private room and venue listing make sure you have the following:

You can add unlimited photos to your listing.  Select photos that are clear and make you look awesome. Make sure to have a photo of each room and tag that photo to the room listed on your site.

Your Restaurant Description
The description of your restaurant should paint a clear picture of your restaurant or venue and why someone should have their next private party with you.  The description should talk to the prospect, try to use words they would relate to.  Use correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

Room Description and Pricing
Price is one of the most important factors for event planners.  Because of this,you can select a pricing icon that best suites your pricing and have it on your listing. Make sure that your pricing matches what you actually charge. Don’t use the low price as it will make people feel cheated if the pricing is actually higher.

Misc Info is Important
Make sure to add your address, a link to your website, your hours of operation and any other significant information. Don’t make the reader work hard to get the information or they will get frustrated and “bounce” out of your listing without completing the lead form